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Monday 21 July 2014

Free Genuine Online Earning Website List- Earn Money without Investment

Here is the list of freelancing website list (online earning) where you can make money online

1. Fiverr- Micro Freelancing (

this is the top online trusted website where you can adverise your services etc.

2. Odesk- Freelancing Marketplace (

3. 99Designs - Competition Site (

4. Squidoo - Ad Revenue Sharing Website (

5. Google Adsense- Pay Per Click Advertising (

6. Amazon - Affiliate Program (

7. CommisisonJunction - Membership/Software Affiliate Program  (

8. Click Bank - Digital Goods Affiliate Program (

9. MarketHealth - Health/Medical Affiliate Program (

10. Info Links- IN-Text Ad Network (

Friday 4 July 2014

Top Freelancing Website List 2014, Freelancer website list for SEO, Web Designing

31 Top freelancing Website List Worldwide 2014- 2015:







Saturday 24 May 2014

5 ways to get more freelance work

More freelance commissions mean more money, which means more nice things. Natalie Brandweiner explains how to go about it.

It’s tough out there in the world of freelance design and getting commissions is no easy feat, especially when you’re just getting started. Here are five quick tips to help you get those freelance payments rolling in...

01. Get yourself seen

A service like Squarespace can help you create a website without coding skills
It may sound obvious, but if you’re looking to branch out and go freelance then you need to let the industry, and potential clients, know that you’re for hire.

The first step, if you haven’t done so already, is to get yourself a web presence to showcase your design style and portfolio. Use a tool like Squarespace, WordPress or Drupal - the first one's a good option if you have zero web skills. Check out this full selection of the best web builders to find the software that works best for you.

Most importantly, you need to clearly highlight on your page that you’re available for commissions - you'd be surprised how many freelancers don't think of this. Add this statement to your site or blog, as well as your personal social media pages, and make sure it's the first thing people see. If you haven’t many projects to showcase yet (or have too many that use the same skill set), get creative with a few self-initiated projects so you can show off all of your abilities as a designer.

02. Promote yourself

Start pressing the flesh, and handing out your business cards
Once you’re happy with your portfolio, the next step is to promote your work. Brush up on your marketing skills and get your name and freelance status out there with some effective social networking. 

Avoid the hard sell - no one likes being spammed. Instead, try to form organic online relationships with potential clients and agencies and join in with the design discussion to show your expertise in the industry.


Social recommendations also count for a lot, so ask your peers or any designers you may have previously worked with to help spread and endorse your work across the internet.

And remember that networking isn't just digital. Get out there in the real world and start handing out physical business cards, all the while following our networking tips for designers.

03. Be proactive

If you want more cash, you need to proactively look for freelance opportunities. 

Approach agencies, brands you’d like to work for or even your local butcher if you spot that their branding needs a much-needed facelift whilst picking up your sausages!

Also, take a look back through your inbox and spot any potential clients that you may not have thought of before - perhaps you did some freelance work for a company two years ago, or there was that job you never got but built a good relationship with the person that interviewed you. Be imaginative with your client ‘hit list’ and don’t leave any avenue unexplored.

04. State your costs

Don't leave it till you invoice to discuss your rate - get it agreed up front
Before embarking on a marketing mission, you need to be sure of your hourly and daily rate so that potential clients know off the bat how much you’re likely to charge.

No matter how much you need the work, it’s important to be realistic with the client when you take on a job how long that will take and what the fee will be, otherwise you may find yourself struggling to meet the demands of a very unhappy client.

Don’t forget that there’s also a range of online project management tools out there, such as Basecamp and Producteev to help you get organised and meet all of your deadlines.

05. Build on your success

Once you’ve completed the work, make sure you’re not the only one shouting about how brilliant it is. There’s nothing better than a shining endorsement from someone who’s worked with you to help build your personal brand reputation.

Ask your (satisfied) client for a quick quote about the work and their working process with you and then add this to your online portfolio or blog before posting on your social networks. Remember, the more people endorsing you, the more buzz you can create about you and your work.

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Monday 19 May 2014

6 Reasons to Hire a Professional Freelance Blogger & Web Copywriter?

Outsourcing your blog, ebook, website copy, and other online writing can be a great way to maximize your content marketing and make the most of your time and return on investment. Consider these 6 benefits a freelance blogger or web copywriter can bring you.

1. Get More Traffic, Leads, & Sales

The point of most business websites and blogs is to make more people aware of your business and get more sales. Outsourcing regular or important content objectives to a professional freelance blogger or copywriter helps you get more leads and sales than you could get if you created all the content on your own.

There are two major reasons this works:

Outsourcing allows you to publish more content than you could have created on your own in the same amount of time.

Expert freelance bloggers and web copywriters know how to convert visitors to leads with powerful copy, effective links, and compelling calls to action.

2. Establish Expert Status

Professional blog posts, articles, website copy, and ebooks written by a trained writer familiar with your field help you build an image of expertise. Content and copy created by a quality freelancer makes your company look and sound better online, helps you appear on the cutting edge, and builds your credibility and thought leadership.

3. Improve SEO

Blogging and article writing are effective marketing tools because they help you build links, improve your website’s SEO, and raise your ranking in search engine results. Outsourcing these makes light work of regular content and fulfills an important purpose of content marketing.

4. Get More Done Faster

If you’ve embraced content marketing, you have a lot of content to create. Hiring a professional freelance copywriter helps you accomplish more in the same amount of time.

Consider how long it would take you or your team to research, gather materials for, and write each content project on your editorial calendar. Probably longer than you’d like, right? By outsourcing, you can check off more items on your to-do list, avoid burnout, and get more tasks done faster.

5. Save Time

Outsourcing is like multitasking on steroids. Not only do you get more tasks done faster, you also get more time to work on other projects. While the freelance blogger keeps your website blog running smoothly, you can focus your time on bigger content marketing projects or more important tasks.

6. Leverage & Compound Content

Smart content marketers reuse and recycle their content as much as possible to maximize their efforts and ROI. Outsourced blogging and web copywriting makes compounding content easy because you get custom content that can be reused over and over.

Additionally, you can have the writer include specific links to drive traffic to all your content. And publishing regularly builds momentum that strengthens all content marketing efforts.

Other Reasons to Hire a Freelance Blogger & Web Copywriter

If you’ve outsourced web content before, what reasons fueled your decision? What benefits do you experience?

And if you haven’t worked with a freelance writer before, why not?

I’d love to hear your thoughts! Please comment below or feel free to contact me.


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I’d love to hear your thoughts! Please comment below or feel free to contact me.

Posted by,PK SEO SMO PPCDigital Marketing Expert

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